Sunday 24 February 2013

Evaluation ~ 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Evaluation ~ 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

(click on slides to see animations)

Evaluation ~ 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation ~ 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Evaluation 4 by

Evaluation ~ 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


Saturday 23 February 2013

Evaluation ~ 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The image on the left is an issue of Q Magazine (25th anniversary collector's edition) and the image on the right an image from my own magazine which I used for the front cover.
The type of shot is a similarity as both images use a full body shot allowing the whole of the cover star to be shown which signifies how they dominate the music scene. It also allows the reader to see the whole effect that the body language and clothing create. I feel that in both of these images that as we can see both of the artist's full body and the clothes that they are wearing it gives us an impression of the artist's persona. As Jessie J's outfit is quite risque, revealing and unique and Elle Rose's outfit is simple, relaxed and sophisticated both reflecting their personalities and tastes.
The facial expressions made by each artist in both images are very similar, both neutral with their lips slightly parted, eyes focused directly towards the camera which makes a straight connection with the readers. It also makes them feel almost involved with the magazine and highlights how both magazines are intended for them especially.
The hair and make-up in both shots also show similarities, they both illustrate a bold, eye-catching look. The red lipstick connotes the strength, determination and passion of the artists, which is the look I originally intended to create and look which is shown frequently on magazines like Q on female artists. The smoky eyeshadow effect also draws attention to the artist's eyes and also highlights the use of eye contact used in both images. The hair is not tied up and styled to the artist's usual look, as Jessie J is well known for straight, sleek haircut and I feel that Elle Rose would be known for natural wavy hair. This how magazines portray their artists to be so again their personalities and traits can be shown to the reader.
The lighting is fairly similar on both images as both artists can be seen clearly and has allowed the quality of the photo to be captured well. Although less shadows are shown in the my image as I can not evidently do not have the high quality technology or any proper lighting equipment to allow me to capture the effect that the shadows create in the left image.
The camera angles used in the images show differences as Q's photograph of Jessie J is slightly from an upwards tilt making her seem powerful and it gives the impression that people should be looking up of her because of this. The camera angle I used was a low angle shot. Although the type of angles used differentiate from each other, I wanted to make the same outcome and make my artist seem dominant and authoritative within the music industry and to do this I wanted her to crouch down as if she has to bend down to other artists or people's level as she was too high up beforehand for them. So both pictures represent the same effect, but with a different camera angle.
This shows how my media product represent social groups such as Q, and how my own magazine shows how the rock/indie-pop genre is portrayed through my magazine through several aspects based on these social groups.

Evaluation ~ 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of music magazines)

(From the top right corner; left to right: Title of the magazine, mise-en-scene, costumes and props, people, title font and style, written content, music genre and how your magazine suggests it, layout, contents pages)