Thursday 6 December 2012

Front cover photos

I have taken photographs of my model/artist, and I will be considering what photograph will be featured on the front cover and the double page spread.
Photo 1:
I like how in this photo the facial expression of my artist gives connotations of her being tough and fierce which is how I planned my main artist to be. I also like the use of the prop and gives a rock and roll feel to the image which would be ideal for a rock/indie-pop magazine. Although if I were to chose this photo for the front cover I would have to ensure that I edit and crop the photo as I think it is too wide for a front cover and this would then
crop out the guitar which is vital in this shot so I will not
be using this picture.  

Photo 2:
This is my favourite photograph that I have taken as it portrays my artist/model as quite relaxed and composed. Although she also looks fierce and strong as well as she is giving direct eye contact to the camera and also has a neutral facial expression which I feel signifies an artist who is dominant and powerful, especially as it is a whole body shot and she dominants the frame. I think this photo sums up all of my planning and all the main features and connotations of my artist best. I will be most likely using this photo for the front cover as it I feel it represents my genre and how I wanted the artist I created to be the most. Also I think it is the sort of photo you'd expect to see on a rock/indie-pop magazine.

                                                                                                                                                                       Photo 3:
This photograph is a whole body shot of my artist where she is holding a guitar and seemingly is about to smash it. This creates a very rock and roll image for the audience which is the sort of mood I want to create for my magazine. It is also the sort of image you'd see on a rock magazine. Her facial expression shows she is entertained which will reflect onto the audience creating a direct mode of address. I like this photo, but I think its best for the double page spread as I think the image fits the persona (fierce/rock and roll) of the artist which would be suitable in a page containing an interview as she is talking about herself.

Photo 4:
I like this close up shot of the artist as it creates a close connection between the artist and the audience and seems more personal than a full body shot. Her neutral facial expression shows that although she is composed and relaxed, but also that she is proud of making it on the front cover of the music magazine. This photo also highlights her make-up more than the other photos. I think I will use this picture for the contents page linking to the double page due to the personal connotations this photo creates which will encourage readers to want to read the interview on the double page spread.

 Photo 5:
I have taken another body shot and use another prop in this photo. I like the use of the amp as the prop because it makes the shot more interesting and unique. It also is iconography of the rock/indie-pop genre. The pose is quite nonchalant and gives the impression the artist is cool and composed, which is the image I wanted to create. The way she has her head leaning onto her hand makes her seem like she is looking at the audience and observing them. I think the artist/model in this photo shows a lot of confidence and also superiority
 which would be ideal for a magazine cover. 

Photo 6:
I like how in this photo she isn't looking at the camera and is quite a natural shot. Like photo 4, it is a close up shot which signifies a close relationship between the artist and the audience/readers. It also is relatively different from the other shots I have taken and the artist isn't giving direct eye contact towards the camera. Therefore I don't think it would be suitable for the front cover as usually looking straight the camera is a convention on music magazine covers.

Photo 7:
I have also taken a mid-shot of my artist. In this photo she is smiling slightly and is quite poised as she has her hands in her pockets showing her composure and confidence. The darkness of the hat, waistcoat and shorts particularly shown in this picture draws attention to the make up. I like this shot and will be using it on the double page spread with the interview as it depicts the artist as someone who is down to earth, but also confident and fierce.

 For the front cover I'll be using photo 2, for the contents photo 4 and for the double page spread, 3 and 7. I will also be using another model/artist for the contents.


I found that taking these photographs was quite easy, although I encountered problems involving the backdrop. Although I used a white blank wall for the backdrop, when I was taking full body shots, the wooden floor was in view. So when editing the photos, I had to edit and use a brush tool to cover any part of the background that wasn't white. I found this to be quite time-consuming, but overall it created the effect of the backdrop being all white.

1 comment:

  1. A successful photo shoot with detailed commentary - well done.

