Wednesday 5 December 2012

Questionnaire Analysis

My questionnaire contained a mix of both open and closed questions. I chose to create my questionnaire like this as the open questions provide me with more detailed information and gives me specific answers about what they personally think should be within a rock/indie-pop magazine. The close questions allow me to analyse them easier as a whole and get certain answers on questions such as how much they would spend on a magazine.

Question 1:

~Suggestions for what kind of name do you think a Rock/Indie-Pop magazine should have:

My target audience gave various suggestions for what they thought this type of magazine should be named. These are some of the answers I received:

  • A play on words – like Symbol (like cymbal)
  • Keep it short and catchy. And make it the centre of attention on the title page
  • An abbreviation like NME
  • Something named after a song
  • Indie Nation Army
  • Vintage, Indie for the soul, Effortless
  • Indievidual
  • Clash
I think the suggestions and ideas that I was given for a music magazine name are suitable and appropriate for my music genre as suggestions such as 'Indie Nation Army' and 'Indievidual' fit in my chosen music magazine genre. Also it shows my target audience read magazines similar to what I want my own music magazine to be based on as ideas such as  'abbreviation like NME' and 'something that is short and catchy' have been recommended. I will take these suggestions into consideration and will be possibly using one of these names for my own magazine as it is what my audience would like and think it suitable for a rock/indie-pop magazine. It is important I take their opinion into deliberation.

I have chosen the name of my magazine as 'Indie Nation Army', but I am going to combine the suggestions so this is abbreviated to 'INA' so therefore uses more than one of my audience's ideas and feedback because it is an abbreviation like NME and is short and catchy. I think this name is most suitable for my chosen genre.

Question 2:

~What artists/bands would you expect to see in the magazine? (name at least three):

In this pie chart I have created, the results show what people would expect to see in a rock/indie-pop magazine. The most popular artist which was said the most was Florence + The Machine, so when creating my music magazine I will ensure that in some way Florence + The Machine is featured. Such as an interview or album review (shown on the front cover) or an article that shows a new artist this is influenced by this artist which will highlight the artist's popularity and will meet the audience's expectations of seeing Florence + The Machine in this type of magazine. I can also use the artists who were also mentioned multiple times and feature them either on the front cover or the contents page.

Question 3:

~What sort of content/articles would interest you most?

These were the options given for the target audience to tick:
(note that the audience were allowed to tick more than one option)

Other suggestions that were given (this was optional):
  • Only reviews of biopics of musicians and filmed gigs should be included
  • Festival news, soundtracks to film/TV shows
  • Posters
  • Subscriptions to the magazine, letters from readers, maybe something on an aspect of life that people can relate to like the social network 
Gig/concert guides was the most popular option chosen which shows that my target audience goes to these types of events and would like to know in-depth information about them. Also Interviews with artist/bands was a popular choice as it is vital and is a main convention in any type of magazine.
I also gave my target audience an option to give their own preferences of what should be in a rock/indie-pop magazine. It allows me to get a personal response and help me progess in planning my magazine.

Question 4:

~Would free gifts such a CD or posters encourage you to buy the magazine?

All of my target audience had answered Yes which shows that giving away free gifts with a magazine encourages a reader to buy a magazine and that would like a CD or poster relating to the content of the magazine.

Question 5:

~ Out of the following, what colour scheme would be most suitable for this type of magazine?

I offered three similar choices as the main covention for rock/indie-pop magazines (e.g. NME and Q), and I asked my target audience what option they thought would be the most suitable colour scheme for this genre magazine. The most popular choice for a rock/indie-pop magazine was red, black and yellow this may be what colours my audience associates with this annotations due to seeing magazines like NME using this colour palette.

Question 6:

~How often would you buy a magazine of this genre?

The options given were 'Weekly', 'Fornightly' and 'Monthly'

The results show that people mainly buy music magazines monthly, so based on this bar chart I will make my magazine a monthly magazine like Q magazine which is of the same genre of mine.

Question 7:

~How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?

My target audience were allowed to write down what the maximum amount of what they'd spend on a music magazine instead of ticking a box with a fixed price of what they would think would be a suitable price. This gives them more flexibility in answering and shows me what individuals thinks is an appropriate price for a magazine to sell for.

Question 8:

~Would you be interested in advertisements of upcoming gigs and concerts?

My target audience were then allowed to write down personal suggestions and ideas for what they thought would be suitable within a rock/indie-pop magazine. I had a variety of suggestions of all which I will take into consideration.

  • Maybe some humorous interviews with bands (like NME has a feature called Does Rock and Roll Kill Brain Cells where they ask rock stars questions about their own band and life)
  • You should include reviews and definitely write about up and coming artists. You should include a festival section- with how to prepare for it and what to take as well as who is playing.
  • Festival reviews and how to get tickets
  • Lots of interviews and gig reviews
  • Free single every issue, with an itunes code to redeem it
  • Maybe style advice to get the style like your favourite artists who are style icons.
    Question time from the public to artists.
    Recommendations on artists that are upcoming and might be worth listening to

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