Thursday 24 January 2013


First Mock-Up

My first idea for a mock-up follows the 'Z' rule in which the reader/audience will read the front of the magazine from the masthead to the sell lines on both sides, to the picture in the bottom right hand corner and then lastly at the price. This is a rule that magazines commonly use to draw in the reader/audience as it makes them look at all the main features and all the interesting articles that the magazine may contain and then usually buying the magazine despite the price. I have used a similar layout for this mock-up which similar to the copy of NME below, as my magazine and NME are of a similar genre, so as well as following the 'Z' I wanted to have my front cover related to how a conventional rock/indie-pop magazine would have theirs.

Second Mock-up
Third mock-up


1 comment:

  1. You still have a lot to do, you have posted pictures for your contents page but there is no annotation? Can you explain why you chose the model/clothes/pose? You must also produce mock ups for your contents page/DPS before you can start inserting images and text.


